Special Treat

Marshmallows and strawberries on a stick and two very happy Little Misses!!
So, day two hundred of our holiday today.....
We spent the morning doing "routines" on the Wii Fit. Miss E has created a fairly strenuous yoga/pilates/torture routine and we spent a good few hours bending and stretching and huffing and puffing.
Helpfully accompanied by Miss E coaching:
Stretch further Mummy, get your arm up higher, you're supposed to have your leg over here, come on Mummy put your back into it!!
Then they had sausages, mash and beans followed by strawberries and marshmallows.
While I had soup and thought uncharitable thought about them!!!
Then - because we hadn't had enough exercise - we went out on a bike ride. For the first time they made it up the hill that leads out of the village.
My brother and I used to slog up it and whizz down it so it was lovely to do it with my daughters.
Going up was fine - they didn't get too far ahead. Going down was a bit more traumatic - for me! - they went like the clappers!!! Miss L on a balance bike looked like a cartoon character her legs were going so fast!
Home for a little while to see Mr K and the new TV. I left him in seventh heaven assembling it and discovering all the things it does.
When did TVs get so complicated?!
Then it was off to Fat Club and dinner after with my mum, dad and brother.
Stayed the same this week which I was quite pleased with. It was a week of two halves!!

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