
By goberlogan

Last Monday I had work. I work at an anonymous sub shop at a truck stop and sometimes I work with Vicki. I was making a sub for a costumer when we ran out of tuna for the fourth time that day. So I told Vicki to make more while I got the other costumers orders. Well she tried to get help from Jordan, a guy we work with, and he refused and said for me to help. I took me a few minutes because I had to get the other costumers sub done. Once I was finally done, I went to the back room and started to help Vicki make the tuna. She told me that I took too long to help her and then proceeded to hit me in the face with tuna. That is what started this war. I hit her in the face with tuna for revenge and then she picked up a glob of mayonnaise and smacked me directly on the face. Jordan then came to the back and told us to shut up because all of the costumers could hear us. We then ran to the restroom to clean up and that’s when I saw how bad the damage was. I had mayonnaise in my tear ducts and tuna in my hair. Needless to say, I was pretty angry at Vicki, but it was so funny I couldn’t be mad. Once we got back to clean up the wreckage we got yelled at and told that we weren’t allowed to fool around anymore. So Vicki and I have got to be on our best behavior from now on.

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