Chick Flick

By Flick


We all need balance in our lives. Get out of kilter with anything and to put it shortly you lose your mo-jo.
This week I have been pulled in lots of directions all at once.
Most importantly by my daughter Abigail and Henry. For the last week she has been suffering most horrendously with the so-called 'Morning Sicknees' a badly named condition which marks early pregnancy.
Yes we are a grandmother -to-be again HOORAY
However her 'morning sickness is all day and Henry doesn't understand obviously. So i've been going over there to give them welcome relief from chivvy Abigail up and make her eat play with Henry as energetically as a one-armed woman can...
The Web-cam project has been a little demanding too, in terms of time, but I am firmly committed (CUCKOO Northern!) to it.
And then there's ordinairy blipping...
Camera Shy and I have just been discussing it all and he has advised me that some days i shouldn't post you know what? I think he's right ...aren't men great ?

PS this could have been my homework for this week too so for the sake of effeciency it's going to be my take on the blipper name White Balance !!!

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