
By Technophobe

Blurred Lines

Spotted this moth on the front door this morning, on that strange glass which lets you see that there's someone at the door but not who it is. Which can lead to embarrassing situations.......

Kayaking progress has been made. After a couple of ( intentional) capsizes we have moved on to wearing spray decks ( elasticated skirt thingy which stops you taking water on board and sinking like I nearly did the first week) and tipping over and removing it under water. If you'd told me a few weeks ago I'd be hanging upside down in a boat, removing my skirt and not panicking I'd never have believed it.
I've got scraped shins, water in my ear and aching deltoids from having to carry out the ridiculously impossible activity of paddling sideways. We had fun though, but I'm going to have to get some earplugs because I can't be doing with a crackly ear.

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