
By HF1

Work Shift Over, In the Sun On The Hill Having Fun

On Monday we discovered this wonderful cycle and walking route along the old cinder track of an industrial railway around the head of the Rosedale Valley. Today it was simply magnificent bathed in a bright, clear light , the day being completely still.
The views were incredible. We met a couple of men ( much fitter than us cycling from Hutton- le- Hole all the way round including ascending Rosedale chimney a 1:3 incline!!
The railway was opened for the iron ore industry and sent to Teeside in the late 19th Century until the 1920's. Lots of industrial archaeology remains.
This seat is dedicated to the miners and on one side reads-
' In the dark working hard, loading up the cart
and on the other side - 'Workshift over, in the sun, on the hill having fun'-
I'm not sure how much fun they really had - it must have been a very hard life.

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