Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Putting our Heads Together

The photo less travelled by? Tempting though it is to do the popular thing and show the facial expressions of the heads in Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery, this angle amused me more.

We were there to visit the Alasdair Gray special exhibition which certainly far exceeded my expectations , despite the deliberate omission of all his book illustrations. I had no idea of the extent to which he has recorded the people and the life of Glasgow over the past 60 years. He is so well known as a writer and as a lovable but intensely irritating commentator on life, love and all things political, that it's easy to foreground his non-visual art.

But here are portraits of Glasow streets and industry; of Brodick Bay from Goatfell; of characters from the city's drama - Jimmy Reid, Jack House, Liz Lochhead, Peter McCann, Edward Morgan, Tom Leonard, Fidelma Cook (!), Archie Hind, Alexander Scott, Jack Glass. And brown paper will never be the same!

And the catalogue/ biography is gorgeous!

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