A weaving of wrens

Those who have followed my blips will recall my musings on collective nouns. Anyone who has ever tried to extract wrens from a mistnet will understand why I think a weaving of wrens is appropriate. It is for that reason that it takes several years to train. as a bird ringer. Officially it should be a herd of wrens or a chime of wrens - why?? - but I am holding out for a change to weaving.
This was brought on by my ringing four wrens today, the first chance I have had to open my nets to catch some birds for a fair time. The redwing I caught is probably the best chance of an interesting recovery in Iceland but all the other data still goes to help monitor and understand the populations of birds in this country, a population among the most studied of any animals in the world.
In the evening Tricia had her life drawing class and I went to a lecture in the same Arts Centre about Tristan da Cunha, one of the last outposts of Empire. Interesting little snippets about the similarities and differences of life in the South Atlantic and the North Atlantic.
How many times when ten people have assembled have two of them independently visited Tristan da Cunha - Ladrokes would not give great odds I suspect.

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