brokeback venue

After a few years of being annoyed that I was missing it (when I went home during uni holidays) followed by a couple of years of resentment (when I worked in a restaurant to which festival-goers went in undiscerning droves) followed by a couple of years of attendance before the prices went mental followed by a few years of ignoring it followed by a few years of attendance again I can probably finally get away with saying that I quite like the Festival. Bits of it. Most of the time. On good days. Yes, it brings with it hordes of baying morons; yes, it brings with it hordes of blazer-and-panama swan-faces; yes, it brings with it streetsful of drunks BUT it also affords the chance to stand in the queue for an event at almost any venue and blithely snap and click away with barely any reaction. I probably wouldn't try it at the Pleasance (or indeed anything called the Pleasance but clearly not on the Pleasance like Potterow/Bristo Square) in case people thought I was on the lookout for famouses but at a more civilised venue like Aurora Nova/St. Stephens there is a nice spread of poshfolk/normal people/loudmouths/artfolk from which to choose. Great light, too.

Woyzeck (jumpy/dancy/recorded music) worth seeing.
Lacrimosa (physical theatre/singing (by the same people who did the fecking brilliant Lamentation a couple of years ago)) OK but not as good as Lamentation by a long shot.
Incarnat (dance/physical theatre/shouting ) (contains nakeds) meh... don't pay full price for it.

Mr Richard Herring (last night but forgot to mention) was at least as good as last year too.

I shall miss another sensibly advance-booked cheapypreview tomorrow as I shall be on a train to Cambridge to attend a thirtieth. As I have to be up in four hours I should perhaps hurry up and stop dithering. I blame the police for pulling someone over for (as it eventually transpired to be after they kept the driver in their car for twenty minutes until another police car came past and lent them a breathalyser) drink driving right outside the window which I of course had to watch. Through binoculars.

It's not just a fire...
Proof that it doesn't make you look cool
Why aren't you all painted silver and standing on the royal mile?.

Normal service will resume at about half-eight on Sunday evening. Have pleasant weekends...

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