
Busy day...

I left work at 3 pm and took the boys to their doggy chiropractor. Beat has been limping on a front leg for a couple of days and Hero and Biscuit have a Nordic Championship in the near future, so they needed a check-up too to make sure everything is ok. Beat's shoulder was put right and all dogs were ok'ed.

We continued towards Lille Skensved to meet Helle for a training session. To make it all a bit more real, Helle had organized some spectators to watch our training - 3 dummies in the back end of the hall. Hahahahha the dogs were not fooled - they couldn't care less about the red ladies with yellow faces, but it made me laugh :-D

You can see the dummies in the background behind Hero and I.

Home at 8 pm - fed dogs and now it is nearly bedtime.

Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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