bucks life

By bucksmiss

The Day After...

Lottie made a brief appearance on the end of my bed last night. My guests who'd been to London to see the poppies and War Horse got in at gone 1am and even though they were quiet I just about heard them. I slept well though and was up early.

I think I may have been the last person to take photos of Rachel last week and so I posted them to Facebook for her family to see. It still seems utterly incredible that this normal, vivacious person with so much to give and so much more to do is no longer in our world. (I wonder whether my sis will give her new baby Rachel's as a middle name if she has a girl. I do hope so though it's hardly my call).

I was in the office by 8.30am for a change. I spent virtually all day billing for our half year end, punctuated only by an hour's training in the middle of the day with some decent sarnies!

I had a decent dinner of pate, cheese, chutney and toast in front of Dallas. Here's Lottie guarding Monkey clamped safely held between jaws and paws, though it's hard to tell where one stops and there starts...

I hope to have an earlyish night and a decent sleep. I'm looking forward to getting away to Kent tomorrow evening too.

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