
By Zander

Craigmillar Castle

Another great spot with really lovely views and another high tower to sprint up I so love to go to the top of these towers and see the panoramic views that you get, my family get used to me disapearing at speed upwards!! We then moved on to the Royal Yacht Britannia which was wonderful although with a sad air. Then sadly it was time to collect the dogs from doggie day care and beat the traffic, to head back down to Northumberland, we love Scotland Edinburgh in particular, and have not had long enough but will be back.

Can someone please enlighten me on the Meadows area, I am intersted in the history of it due to the two tall columns and large grassland area, was there a large house and parkland there? We only had time to drive through it.

Edinburgh we applaud you, and you are all so welcoming thank you.

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