GY5 Pumpkin Day

The weather revived itself today after a miserable one yesterday and I felt revived after spending most of yesterday afternoon and evening horizontal with tiredness!
Great day was spent in good old GY5, the greatest parish in Guernsey, Castel, with my two fav boys. It began with a mooch around Ollie's Dad's allotment, a walk around the lanes with fab views that look over Cobo, lovely lunch at Cobo Tea Rooms, a visit to Brooklands Farm to see their stunning display of pumpkins and squash, coming away with a few purchases of the pumpkin variety, a walk round Fort Houmet with best friend & 2 year old son who keeps on trying to get a baby out of my tummy and then home to make pumpkin risotto, you yum, and lemon drizzle cake in preparation for the staff Beechwood Bake off!

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