The Big Yin!

Tonight, a chance to chase the blues away, even if just for a little while. A chance to see a giant of comedy, Billy Connolly, playing in his home city of Glasgow. His health problems have been well reported but he seemed full of piss and vinegar tonight as he entertained for two hours.

His stories, as ever, were full of mirth, some self deprecating some acerbic but his view on life is insightful at the same time. I really dont get stand up, I never have with the exception of Billy and Bill Bailey and Tim Minchin, all talented musicians as well as incredibly funny

Tonight I managed, for those two hours, to escape the weight I feel I carry, I heard myself laugh for the first time in what seemed an age, so hard I wiped away the tears, tears shed in joy not sorrow or despair and for that Billy, I thank you. I hope I get the opportunity to see you again for you truly are giant and I am unashamedly a fan

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