Cool Lupins

Love Fridays, altho from a dogs point of view a day is a day is a day.
Often on Friday we start early and are on the track…so to bark…right after breakfast (ours) (both) (his and mine) and this brings an early view and different folk to meet and greet and today we had a walking group of folk from the US of A Eh…and many of them needed a Dog Fix so I was in demand.
I must say it was lovely to see them all walking. So many tourists ride bikes with head down and tail up and probably miss the landscape while concentrating on not falling off and testing the local medical system.
In the after lunch (his) bit The Boss played making photo books for his last seniornet presentation of the year and the day was completed when a bunch of highly decorated kids turned up for “trick or Treat” and walked away with coc chip bikkies which The Boss had been saving for someone important….Him?

Soar like a Seagul?

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