
For me, the definition of atmosphere is an overall feeling and/or effect of a place, specially if it is an environment of pleasure or interest.

I took this blip in Yanchep Nationally Park a short drive from where we live, this park has its own atmosphere with the wildlife that comes awake as the sun goes down, the kangaroos come out of hiding, some with joeys in their pouch, to nibble the grass.

Black cockatoos come screeching in to jostle for a place to sleep in the eucalypts.
Then there is the Wattle bird and the ring neck parrots, last but not least are the kookaburra they sit on the branches watching anyone making a BBQ and for the first opportunity to swoop down and steal whatever he can grab in his powerful beak, for me there is no better atmosphere than to sit amongst the gum trees with Glyn and watch and hear all the best nature has to offer, it's a great atmosphere...

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