Louisiana Drive - Day One
(Back Blip)
Leejohnaire has been wanting to do one of the scenic drives along the coast of Louisiana for a while now. We had a rather aborted trip at the beginning of the year, when we made it as far as Lake Charles, LA, just in time for an ice storm to hit and force us to stay in the hotel for three days before we headed home again. (Luckily it was a large hotel with a casino in it!?) This week looked like a perfect time to try again – no appointments, cooling-to-lovely weather, no rain (or ice storms!) in the forecast and being in need of some blips – so we set off on Monday morning. It took us about 3½ hours to drive to our first stop, Lafayette, LA. This drive was not always too scenic or sweet-smelling since parts of the road passed oil refinery areas, but it was nice and uneventful, which I always appreciate.
Our small hotel was in the center of the town, so we went for a walk when we arrived. That was when we discovered that most of Lafayette closes on a Monday. With nothing much to see or do where we were, we were starting to feel a bit down but then we came across this Fun Shop (not to be confused with Madness’s House of Fun)! Despite the possibilities, we didn’t go in but did feel a lot better for spotting it.
Clearly Mondays are a slow day for everyone there, as the man up the road seemed to have wheeled his office chair out into the street to pass the time.
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