Cairo Abstract
Very quiet, lazy morning. Woke up with no alarm clock, coffee in bed and then while Bb caught up with dictating some coaching sessions, I caught up with a few personal and work emails.
Just as we were getting ready to go out I got a distressing email from a trainee who had been mugged last night in downtown Cairo. She'd had her bag snatched off her back by a guy on a motorbike and she was knocked onto the ground. He'd stolen her phone and wallet and she couldn't get in touch with her mum in the UK to sort out insurance and needed to have a doctor look at her head as it was very sore. She'd reported the incident to the police last night and was having to go back to get the written report today to hand it into the British Consulate. She said that whole event at the police station was quite distressing and scary. Very quickly, I had to send her hospital recommendations, reassure her about the 2nd assignment deadline, offer her the use of our standby mobile phone and a loan of some cash. While I was responding to her email, what was nice was that I got a call from one of our Egyptian trainees on the course who'd heard what had happened and he was calling to make sure I knew and to offer any help he could. Her reply to my mail reassured me that she'd been to the hospital, had got pills for concussion and was feeling ok. Phew!!
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