The Visitor

Hallowe'en has never troubled me in the past. For me it has been a time of fun with young family, telling scarey stories and dookin' for apples in a pail of water---nobody took it seriously As the children grew older they ventured out, dressed as hobgoblins and ghosts, to entertain neighbours and friends. Good wholesome fun and now many years past-so the time and date meant nothing to me tonight.Until I remembered the spade I had left in the garden that morning. Would that that memory had not driven me out into the dark night to meet the young coven of pretty maids! We chatted and I was taken by their skill at dressing the part of laughable , charming ghosties. So much so that I said tell me a joke or sing me a ditty and I'll fetch a token of my regard for how you conduct yourselves this night. No was the reply we come to leave our gift with you; before the clock strikes the hour you will meet us in our proper guise where we appear as one. And I did -- the evidence was before me and in me as I went to lock the door at Midnight. That knowledge I reveal to you above. Happy Hallowe'en.

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