Nut Press

By katheastman

Men at Rest

Just as we were leaving Lucca today, we thought one of the tyres was making a strange noise. So we stopped to check it out and it turned out to be what looked like a screw. Luckily for us, there was a tyre place only 5 minutes away, so Gareth drove there... while I looked up tyre and other useful words in the dictionary.

Happily, we were soon back on the road and heading further south past Florence towards Cortona. We stopped off for a coffee there but couldn't find anywhere to stay, so we booked a place in Camucia, just down the hill. Unfortunately, no one was there and the numbers on the door of the holiday apartments didn't work for us, so we had to try and cancel that booking and head out again in search of a B&B.

We found a lovely place in a nearby town and this cafe/bar was just across the road from us. We went out for something to eat at a local pizzeria, and picked up a couple of beers from this place at the end of the night.

It was only when we were back in our room that I realised I'd forgotten to take any photos today. So, even though they were onto me, I took some very fuzzy photos of these guys in the bar across the street.

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