Adam wooooo!

By adam4king

That Time of Year Again

Great news everyone, I'm doing Movember again this year.

For those new to the concept, this means I'm raising money for men's health (mainly prostrate cancer and depression) by growing a moustache for a month. Here's a photo of me starting the month with a clean shave. Expect my face to look incrementally more rad every passing day for the rest of the month.

In other news, we took advantage of the amazing weather today to go for a picnic. I've decided I love picnics. And now, because I ate too much, I'm having another lazy afternoon. Tomorrow I'm going to get stuff done. Almost certainly.

Oh and if per chance you'd like to support my Movember mission, you can make a donation using the link below :)

Movember - Changing the Face of Men's Health

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