The wings help

Today has been a wonderful spring day. Little wind and warm sunshine. The battery went flat in the Lumix FZ70, only a couple of photos into my run. Middle of the day S and I took a walk beside the Mahurangi River, and I took some pleasing photos of the shags on the other bank.

Later in the afternoon, daughter C arrived with Mr H and Young L. Mr H was very keen to take some photos of birds. Initially Young L feigned disinterest; he did not want to join us. When we were in Warkworth for our walk (and the supermarket), I went to the photo shop, to get a new SD card for the little Panasonic I have not been using since I broke the lid over the battery and SD card slots. I had recharged the battery over night. After putting them in, I used sellotape to hold the lid shut.

Having done all that I was ready to offer the long term use of the little camera to Young L, who cheered up and happily joined us.

In the photo shop in Warkworth I saw some 2GB SD cards for the first time in ages. I need them for the old Pentax; therefore, I haven't been using it for months, and have been missing it. Having bought myself a couple of the cards I took the Pentax with me on the walk with the boys.

This was what I was able to get. The heron jumped up from the sand onto the rock assisted by one quick flap of its wings

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