Dorothy and a Stranger
We've been in Blackheath for thirty three years and have seen many rhododendron parades.
I'm feeling a wee bit jaded about them now, but have trouble not getting out there with the camera.
One thing that can always be depended on is poor weather.
Just after the parade it bucketed down and some stallholders packed up and left.
The sun returned and I wandered around and bumped into this beautiful African grey parrot.
The fellow who owned her was happy to chat and Dorothy was happy to go from one to another of the little group who had gathered around.
I tried to get up close with my new fisheye lens, but Dorothy was having none of it.
In fact she attacked my new lens.
Apparently she has an extensive vocabulary (for a bird) and not all of her conversation is parrot fashion.
Her owner said she warns him when she thinks it's going to rain.
Better than a barometer.
The owner and other pics from the day can be seen here.
I ran into Gemax who was sporting two very large cameras, with lenses to match, and I'm guessing we'll see something interesting from him.
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