Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Day of the Dead Plant

It must seem like I have a bit of a thing for dead flowers and I honestly don't. This one is just so pretty and a little bit tragic. My colleague bought it at Christmas and the particular type of plant it is, it only meant to last about three weeks. So it's done pretty well I'd say - particularly given the extremes in temperature in our office. Sometimes the heat works, sometimes it doesn't yadda yadda yadda.

Been a bit of a mixed bag of emotions today really. One of my friends who works in my building was given her notice by email on Friday night at 11pm. She had sort of been prewarned a week or so ago that they might not be able to keep her but found out for definitely just in time for it to ruin her weekend. Today was her last day as her boss decided the one good thing they would do is pay her for her notice period but not actually require her to be in. Leaving her plenty opportunity to get something else.

Had a routine nurse appointment this morning and mentioned the problems I've been having with my tum. I asked her genuinely if the doctor would think I was wasting my time by going about something so trivial but since my mum thinks it's IBS and Acronymphomania thinks it's an ulcer, either one needs to be diagnosed and dealt with. She was reassuring and said to make an appointment so I have one for 8am on Monday. Ugh.

Then this afternoon I nearly burned my building down. I should start by mentioning that the electrics in the ancient building I work in are a complete fire hazard. They so old, poorly maintained and are bound to blow up sometime soon. So of course bearing this in mind there's a heater plugged into an extension cord which is plugged into ANOTHER extension cord and into a 60 year old plug in a cupboard. Everyone's been saying for ages that it's dangerous but today it was proven when I pulled the plug out the extension cable, a huge white flash and bang went off and everything on the circuit went dead. Computer, phone, reception TV.....everything. Luckily one of our tenants is an electrician so he could come fix it quickly but it really highlighted how dangerous the whole set up is.

Then this evening all the crappiness of the day washed away as I spent it with Acronymphomania. I made us steaks with Diane sauce and we just chatted and enjoyed each other's company. Good evening to end a somewhat surreal day...

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