The perfect start...

To November!
18 degrees and sunny...
We went to the Wild Animal Park this morning, mainly to see deer - although Alfred Dog is always particularly interested in winding up the Raccoons. He did nearly get head butted by a young stag today though - and tried to head butt back! Luckily there was a sturdy wooden fence in-between them at the time, which although having huge gaps in it, didn't allow him enough room to stick his head right through, which is what he wanted. This is the trouble. He doesn't seem to notice that he's so small, and shouldn't try it on with such big, strong animals!

We're all home safely though and looking forward to our dinner, which is roast duck breast, roast potatoes, red cabbage with apple pieces and onions, and gravy (of course - the best bit if you ask me!)...


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