
By Valerie1940

Each one is an individual.

I went to the Tower of London this morning - impressive, moving, thought-provoking -all the things everyone has said about the Blood Swept Lands and Sea of Red display.
But what moved me the most was that no poppy, being hand made, is exactly the same as any other. Collectively we tend to refer to 'the fallen' or the 'casualties of war' - lumping them all together - forgetting that each one was like no other, an individual, a person with a life which was unique to them, which ended too soon.
I have cleared one of my blip folio categories and replaced it with one entitled Poppies - it includes 15 shots of what I saw today (with some explanatory captions) which may be of interest to those who would like to see this but can't.
To browse this click here which should take you to the first one then click the thumbnails along the bottom if the arrows don't work

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