
By SimonHaworth


I have discovered some things today:
1) I have fitted a larder cupboard extremely securely to the wall.
2) It is possible to fit said larder cupboard upside down by mistake, so the top slider mechanism falls out onto your foot, because...
3) The top and bottom sections of the cupboard are identical - both are pre-drilled to take the cupboard feet, and it wasn't 100% clear in the instructions which way was up (see point 5 regarding the quality of the instructions) but...
4) This also means that the mechanism for the top and bottom sliders can be taken out and re-installed in the correct orientation, rather than trying to turn the whole cupboard over AFTER it has been fixed extremely securely to the wall.
5) Despite following the very precise measurements in the shittiest instructions I've ever seen instructions (the top bracket must be 1872.5 mm from the bottom of the door), it is impossible to level the door without extra washers, removing one of the brackets and fitting it upside down and a lot of swearing.
6) £580 is a lot to pay for a cabinet which has internal fixings which aren't square, making it even more difficult to level the door, even when you've followed the shitty instructions to the letter.
7) I still haven't finished the job, and have a bit more to do tomorrow.
8) I don't think I like DIY very much.
9) We don't have any wine in the house.

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