another lovely Prague autumn day
Today in Prague the sun shone. Sure there were some clouds, but not that many, so I decided to take advantage of the weather and take myself to the other side of the city to visit a farmers' market in search of quinces. I hopped on the metro to what must be the metro station with the most difficult name for foreigners, Jiřího z Poděbrad - most of us just say JZP. There were no quinces. I am now going to give up my search for quinces. What there is at JZP is this rather unusual church.
The church (the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord), which is in marked contrast to the other gothic, romanesque and baroque edifices scattered throughout the city, is sometimes said to resemble a railway station more than a church. It was designed by Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik and built between 1929 and 1932. It has been recognised as a Czech National Monument. The clocks are nearly 8 metres in diameter.
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