Harvard 50

I used to work for the Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller. I was not old enough to see these fly in anger, but they had a few around for nostalgic reasons and then later I worked on an airfield where they have still, an active ( ancient) and very skilled Harvard formation. These beasts are NOISY and thats part of the drama and emotion they can inspire. You can hear them coming for miles and instantly identify them.
This is one of the great old ones, and its rivets show its age. Just had to have one as a bilp for my own nostalgic reasons...

Did have a good laugh today at the 8 year old controlling at JFK. Even made the main news in New Zealand. I did once get asked by a jet pilot if I was old enough to be alone in the tower, and from that day, I put on my deeper, serious and bossy voice. Still I was a bit older than 8 at the time.

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