Imkereibedarf - Beekeeping Supplies

The more you get to know & read about them, the more fascinating they become. As clever as they are, they can't read a calendar. 1st November, a public holiday in catholic Bavaria and all shops are closed. No amount of hanging around the entrance will get the doors open.

Like thousands of her inmates, she was out flying in the late summer sunshine. Seems the weather can't read the calendar either.

There must have been a lot of Haloween partying last night in the village given the amount of squashed pumpkin she has on her legs. I can't find any flowers around for it to be pollen. I will take advantage of my new full membership and switch on the "Go large" function.

A lazy, potter around day. Angie, with all the adrenalin produced by my antics the last two weeks, took it easy and enjoyed a short nap in the garden this afternoon before friend Kathi arrived for a visit and to smarten us both up. Thanks Kathi, great job.

On a bit of a worrying note, I have typical kidney stone pains on the left side. When I went in to hospital I said I thought I had managed to get rid of the left side stones myself but there was an occasional twinge. During the scan, the doc did take a peek on the left and even showed me the screen saying there were some small grains sitting in the kidney cup but not of any interest yet. The pains come and go, so I suspect something's on the move but so long as they remain light, I don't need more than a hot water bottle when sitting around. Can't do any chainsaw work tomorrow due to Sunday noise laws so will probably try some log splitting.

Hope the doctors didn't "ignore" the left side -they aren't keen on working on both kidneys at the same time for fear of both closing down.

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