Blip and go

Sparkie is safely in her luxury hotel. (She hates the car but it's only a mile away and the girls are always pleased to see her.)

I'm nearly packed. Dishwasher finished. Washing machine sorted. Interior bins emptied. Nearly all set.

So what do I do about my blip ?

I looked hopefully out of the kitchen window. A couple of cheeky bluetits and great tits were plundering the new supply of peanuts but they don't stay long enough for a clear shot.

I filled up the feeders to bursting after collecting supplies from the farm shop. They smiled when I said that the birds had left home because I'd run out.

I was thinking I'd have to set off in hope of something interesting with the compact when I looked out again.

The jay to the rescue. But if he's stuffing multiple peanuts, they aren't going to last !

(I can't take my Canon and gear on holiday because the outward flight is with Monarch - my absolutely least favourite airline. 5kg hand luggage including handbag...... well, I can't even take my handbag. Hopeless.)

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