
By RobinBanneville

St Sampson Harbour Pier Heads

Sorry for the delayed blip Folks (two days late, but better late than dead on time) ...
Friday night was Halloween and I was invited to my sister's house to play a spot of 10-pin bowling, Frisbee and to shoot-up some skeletons ...
The sunrise seen here outside the pier heads at St Sampson's Harbour was taken somewhat earlier ... I had hoped for a reasonably quiet day on Friday, but what started off as a run-of-the-mill busy day, soon turned into mad panic. Not only did I have to finish my round, but also do half of another round due to another driver being called away for personal reasons ...
Meanwhile, I also appear to have trapped a nerve somewhere in my shoulder area ... Carrying heavy laundry bags doesn't seem to be causing a problem, but sitting down driving, eating, or using the computer, is giving my arm some severe pain at the moment, so please bear with me ... :o)

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