and thus.....

.....the bonfire nights and fireworks began.

Went to Elie, as I thought the fireworks going up over the sea at a pretty and quiet little seaside town might be pretty to watch, and was royally ripped off for the displeasure!

5 quid entry fee for a bit of a damp squib, I have to say. Not helped by the fact that the launch area was on the beach and the crowd were on the cliff above, this meant that some of the less powerful fireworks barely made it above the cliff top. The excitement was lifted slightly by the sight of three raging (unplanned) fires on the other side of the bay when they hadn't bothered to have the fire service on standby!! But, it was ok as they had about 10 cops there who must have been there for the expected riot, probably over the entry fee, or maybe in case the locals shouted hooray too loudly. Just so there is a basis for this complaint; Dundee do two excellent fireworks shows for bonfire night hosted by a local radio station held in parks big enough to host hundreds of people....oh yeah, and it's FREE!!!

But all of this seems a very long time ago, as afterwards I drove to Edinburgh to celebrate Ela's birthday at Iris on Thistle St (ok, but unremarkable) and then I got dragged off to the street.....then drove back home to Dundee in time to fall into my bed at 5.30am!!

Why do I do these things to myself???

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