One Tree

This is the view from the back of the house which has been visited many times during my time on blip!

Another busy day, up early, Simon and Jack arrived by 09:00.

Jack and Geoff went fishing but were back 90 minutes later as the rain took hold.

We all made it into Stortford for a coffee, tried to leave Simon behind so we could go in one car but he was frightened he would miss out.

He turned up with two broken ribs and a damaged collar bone which were a result of a fall from his mountain bike last weekend.

With this in mind and the sense of humour in our household the best time was had when we were having coffee/chai/hot chocolate was when we made him laugh and he didn't know which bit of his body to hold as it hurt so much.

Cooked, for 5 hours, lamb and potato boulangere, Tom Kerridge, with some cavolo nero, carrots and just to torment the kids, some brussel sprouts.

Jack and Simon have left, Tim is asleep on the settee, Becca, Geoff and I are doing our best to stay awake on the other settee.

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