St Patrick's, Barking

This morning we attended a lovely service with the good people of St Patrick's, Barking. It's not often you see such a strong ethnic & multi-generational mix in a service, and even rarer that there is such complete, wholesome, encouraging, warm, enthusiastic engagement throughout. A joy to behold! Graham, the vicar, is excellent and encourages a wide variety of people to take part. The couple pictured with Graham have led children's ministry for 20 years and displayed a truly humble, honest and committed attitude. This is a church who know who they are, know where they are, know why they are ... and love being there.

We then popped in to Harley Street to see Karen. Thank you one and all for your prayers, concern and interest. Karen remains seriously ill but is improving after an 8 hour operation. She will remain there for quite a while until stable.

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