Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


A fab Sunday! Went to help with the greyhounds again. We walked their two staffies and a Lurcher mix first. All dogs that had been cruelly abandoned. The first two were lovely but the third one was very bouncy and scared Ds.

He persevered though and helped with the greys. The first we were given was also jumpy so we swapped and had the pleasure of walking two calmer greys. The third nose bumped him and made him cry but again he persevered and was loving it again at the end. He has a real love of animals but we really have spent no time around dogs and loves them but is a little nervous.

We enjoyed it though.

Then we went to see my nephew for his birthday - got fed! Bonus!

Then popped to see our step niece for want of a better phrase as she has badly broken her wrist :( xxxxx

All in all a lovely day xx

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