This is a picture from a few years ago. I was in London and I took a picture of these palace gardeners planting up the flowerbeds outside Buckingham Palace in The Mall. They are planting out wallflowers I think.
I forgot about the picture until it came to my notice again yesterday when it turned up on an American scandal sheet! Basically the story is that Prince Harry has fathered a child with a homeless woman in London. The woman is now camped outside Buckingham Palace and regularly trys to climb the walls into the Palace to share the happy news with Prince Harry.
She has been out there for weeks apparently and the gardeners have become involved because she uses the flowerbeds in The Mall to attend to her calls of nature and the gardeners are fed up with clearing up faecal matter from their beds! So the scandal sheet used my picture as proof of what was going on!
It's all quite bizarre. But I don't want to be accused of treason and my next picture be one from deep in a Tower of London dungeon. The lady herself, who isn't homeless and isn't from London, is an interesting character. To find out more check out my blog.....
You may have to cut and paste the above but it's worth it. I really don't think she's Prince Harry's type!
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