Our little Wom

Wom will be sixth months tomorrow.
Hard to believe but definitely true.
Took some photos of him in his christening outfit today - cheated, he's only got the top half on and even that's only half buttoned up, (don't tell anyone though, hoping they won't notice).

At nearly six months Wom can:
Let us know when he's hungry and when he has had enough
Pull Munchie's hair in a way of getting her to move
Roll happily onto either side, he can go back to front but chooses to lie on his side more
Move off his mat with increasing speed on his back
Move off his mat slowly on his front
Understands the concept of crawling and is able to do a little, but wears himself out
Loves food, especially toast and peas!
Knows where we are when we go to take Charlotte to nursery or collect her
Loves his baths and is very content swimming
Has the most adorable chuckle that he mostly saves for his daddy
Has a face that lights up when daddy comes home
And just makes our little family complete

Wommie, we love you x

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