
By backwoodsman

Halt! who goes there.......

..... this stroppy cock pheasant met me at the farm gate and let me know in no uncertain terms that this was his spot and he was giving it up for nobody!!
Gave him a wee smile and politely asked him to let me open the gate :-)
And he jumped up and down, puffed himself up , had a little dance of rage and shouted "you shall not pass" !!
I pointed out out that this wasn't The Lord Of The Rings and I would like to be on my way please!
Which kind of lit his fuse good and proper and he launched into a kamikasi attack on my trouser legs and a determined attempt to shred my shoelaces!

Now what this old boy had no way of knowing was that up until a few years ago , I had responsibility for an Estate where 24,000 of his fellow pheasants were raised and released.
And had seen this behaviour many times! .......Yawn !
So , with a quick snatch ;bourne of long practice , I had him safely tucked under my arm.....which surprised him not a little!!
And he sat there quiet as a mouse ,as I opened the gate and passed through!
Untill I put him gently down on the other side......when he jumped up and down ,screaming blue murder at me and resumed his attack on my shoe laces!

Thought briefly about how delicious a pheasant pie can taste.......but thoughts of Charlies look of horror made me put such devilment behind me ! :-D

On my way back , who should I meet....... "You shall not pass".............

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