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By Leejohnaire

Sunday Morning Latte

This morning we were kindly invited to a Baptism for our neighbors' children at a local church. Coming from the UK where Christenings are done in the church using a font, it was interesting because the church had a Baptism pool for full immersion. The Baptism was recorded by cameras that were on the church wall about 150 feet away and broadcast to the congregation listening to a service inside the church. It was a sweet ceremony.

Texann and I then went to Starbucks for a coffee. The drive through line was long and so was the line inside. They did have an excellent Peppermint Mocha though. While Texann was waiting in line to order our coffees I quickly took this shot.

After coffee we went to a Cajun restaurant for lunch with the Baptism party. They had Gator on the menu so it was a nice reminder of the few days we spent in Louisiana at the start of the week.

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