
By NamaKris

Lena Camelina

Terrace Kitchen, before it went out of business, used an unique oil for the salad dressing, made from lena camelina.

This is a photo of a glass bowl filled with lena camelina seeds/grains which find their way into my morning smoothie.

"Public outcry over transfats was exactly what led to the resurgence of Camelina. European scientists ascertained a high omega 3 content in Camelina, as well as high levels of the rare antioxidant vitamin E, gamma tocopherol. Organic growers in Germany, Austria, France, Poland and Russia re-learned Camelina agronomy, including the Mischkultur practice of intermingling companion crops. Various folk names indicate Camelina’s former glory: Leindotter, German Sesame, Gold-of-Pleasure, Wild Flax, Siberian Oil Seed. Since the resurgence, those old names pop up in the market again, on labels of salad oils and skin care products."

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