More pink flowers!!!
Okay, I know we're done with BCAM, but I cannot stop being on pink alert! Was running some errands in the Plaza and spotted these gorgeous pink bougainvillea upstairs and loved the angle with the mountain in the background and our building.
Defrosted the freezer in the second fridge first thing today. I hate doing that, thankfully its a once in 3 yr job and it really doesn't take that long! Thank goodness the main fridge doesn't need that.
Had a phsyio appointment and Mel said that my back/shoulders felt a lot better, yay! And today, after yeeeaaarrss ... I started at the gym again. It really has been a long time and I need to lose the weight I've gained over the last three years, otherwise it may just decide to hang around ;-) I'll start slowly and build up my stamina. Half way through, Jon came and said hello as he was in there too, doing some weights. That was a strange feeling, having my son work out at the same time as me. Goodness they grow fast and use gyms and what not!
He's had his meeting with the organisation that he'll be working at this week and he starts tomorrow. So grateful for another learning experience for him.
I've sorted through my holiday photos and am so pleased with them. Some super memories of a great holiday.
P.S. The temps have dropped considerably in HK today and I'm NOT happy!
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