The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A normal day at work...

I really am very lucky. A great first day to start off our second term. Assembly in the chapel with Year 12 to welcome them back. A team of positive, well rested staff who were chomping at the bit to get going. Positive meetings with a load of new opportunities including with the RFU...all good. And to top it all, our budding Movember tash growers brought lots of fun and laughter to the day. Kids think it is great that we are raising awareness of men's health and love the fact that staff have lost years since they shaved off beards!! Although it is a good job it is for charity as there could be some divorces on the horizon otherwise! These fabulous chaps were superb today and are leading the men's health campaign across the UTC. I'm doing a 10km to show my support...and popping some cash into their fundraising box.

Brilliant. And I got home at a decent hour. Had nice dinner.
Now off to drink tea and read my book. Feel naughty relaxing on a school night!

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