twinned with trumpton


Braking and Entering

Kids were duly repatriated. Then a slow cycle to town; I was due at her's around 1030. I pootled up the cycle path to Ravelston and then went to the Modern Art - wasn't really even expecting it to be open which was good - it wasn't. At least not yet. I had a wander about and love the Miro sculptures. As I pottered about, the security dude came to unlock the Pig Rock Bothy. He spent a few minutes hunched over the lock but to no avail. He apologised and went off to get another key. He eventually returned and after more jiggling, apologetically announced he thought the lock was broken.
I directed him to the side window and through it I could see the snib had been left on from the inside. So I volunteered to squeeze thru the window and unlock the door. He agreed, and I slipped in and unlocked the door for him.
I looked for signs of empties or stubbed out joints from the yoof who'd obviously been in the night before, but nothing obvious. Another great blip break and enter to chalk up.

Then I went off to Fountainbridge to seek out Cigs tag; and then just as I did that, I got the all clear to come on over.

A restful day; I left around 4 to go and buy birthday presents / card after a light lunch of smoked salmon and an elaborate plan for the next 7 days.

Went back around 6 with bounty and eventually cooked pasta with seafood, tomatoes, chilli, feta, spring onions - very nice it was too.

Eventually got home around 9, and slowly organised myself for the week ahead

**Surely the bothy is another one to add to #blipbingo..?

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