Journey Through Time

By Sue

Fun Cat Puzzle

Edit: I forgot that I was going to mention that I just found out that my aunt's ex husband's niece and her husband have this wonderful cattle and sheep ranch in Central Oregon. It's a beautiful website and Jeanne, the niece, brought the sheep to the ranch and she and her business produce fine wool for knitters, etc. Her wool was used by Ralph Lauren for the Winter Olympic Team sweaters. I didn't like them...but still..what a great honor. I remember her when she was a kid with long dark braids. I urge you to explore her web's so fascinating and their ranch is a National Historic property. Imperial Stock Ranch

The weather has not improved much. So another indoor blip. This is a fun puzzle. Can you see the puzzle shapes??

Bill and I went to the gym...2 1/2 miles and 170 something calories lost. Then I accidentally pushed the wrong button and it paused the treadmill. So, I went over to one of the other machines...the one where you move your legs like you are going up stairs and you have the option of hanging on for dear life, or moving your arms like you are swinging them. I opted for the first one. A nice lady helped me to understand how to get on the darn thing. I tried it out for a very short period of time...minutes...and then Bill showed up all finished from his swim. Maybe I can get the hang of that machine and see how I do on it. Maybe.

Then home to shower and get cleaned up, then we went to the store. We got our flu shots while were at the store, because insurance companies have sort of turned immunizations over to the pharmacy. I'm sure pharmacists all over the country were just tickled pink to have something else to do in their busy days. Then home for a late lunch. Dinner is in the oven, and I guess it's going to be a later dinner. Bill's brother asked him just the other night what time we eat dinner...Bill said the question out loud and I answered... "when it's done." So that's what he told him.

Okay....see ya later.

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