
By mydartmoorwalks

West Okement River: Final Blip

A much longer walk today in very changeable weather conditions to High Willhayes which is the highest point on Dartmoor. There are more photos of the walk on my blog Worth looking at large.

The last time I attempted to walk to High Willhayes was earlier this year when I was in the middle of my treatment and I had to abandon that walk so this was an important walk for me. My fitness levels now are very much improved although I am not quite at the level I was before the treatment.

Thank you very much for the stars and hearts on yesterday's novelty blip which put that into spotlight. I do have reservations about how spotlight works and I frequently see blips which I think should be there but are not. Fundamentally, I think it is wrong that Blip HQ will not tell its fee paying members how spotlight works!

This will be my last blip for the foreseeable future. The reason for this is the amount of time I am spending on blip. There are other things which I need to do, particularly in the run-up to Christmas. Also, I have recently joined the Royal Photographic Society and I want to see if I can make progress with their awards - this is not something I would even have contemplated before I joined blip just over a year ago and I do need to spend some time on that.

I do enjoy the challenge of taking a daily photograph and this will continue but I will only be posting them on my Facebook page and Flickr (as I have been doing now for some time). Do please have a look at my Flickr stream and see what I am to. My membership of blip will continue and I am certain it will not be possible for me to stop looking at your lovely photos. I will continue to allocate my daily allowance of hearts but I am sorry, I will not be making any comments. After a break I may well return - time will tell!

I would sincerely like to thank you all for your stars, hearts, help and encouragement on my blip journey.

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