
By AnneILM60

Busy bee

This guy seemed very happy that there were still blooms on the Confederate Rose. He was flitting from one bloom to another and back again! You can see many of the photos I took right here.

When I went outside to the back porch about mid-morning I came across this fuzzy guy taking an amble along the deck railing. More of Mr Fuzzy here.

The weather was beautiful today and so I spent the majority of the day outside on the back porch. I got to watch first Spirit chasing a lizard and then Peace chasing it. Both times the lizard hid under the cat playhouse and that meant the cats tried tearing the place up! I therefore spent part of my time taking gorilla glue and putting the base of the house frame back together!

So glad today is Election Day and the end of the mud slinging commercials on TV until next time.

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