Font Stane

We found this stone while walking The Monks' Road in the Pentlands which took the monks from the monastery in New Hall to the abbey in Dumfermline. Here is some info about the stane or stone: "this was a font stone, a wayside shrine or a landmark commanding all the country to the south for the pious friar as he journeyed over the hills. Who can tell but there it remains today, and as we stand and meditate upon it we link ourselves with a visible symbol of the time when the white robed monk was a familiar figure on the Pentland Hills" (W. Grant. The Call of the Pentlands). As you can see there seems to be a habit of throwing coins in it so we did that too. I also touched the stone feeling a physical link with times long gone and previous wanderers who had no doubt done the same. You can see more pictures of our hike today here.

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