Feed me, feed me nowwwwwww

Wom had issues from about 4am. He was grumpy and obviously uncomfortable. After trying to get his wind up for ages I concluded it wasn't coming so opted for sleep - aka bring him into our bed. He slept on me for ages then wriggled down to lie next to me. Love how when Munchie gets into our bed in the morning she always asks, where's baby?

Daddy did nursery. I did jobs, fed Wom and put him back to bed. We then did very little until a brief trip to the shops where we spent rather a lot!

Wom then got himself into a I'm very tired and want to go to sleep, but I'm very tired state, after much cuddling, milk, more cuddling he fell asleep on me and I had snooze too. Woke up to find daddy gone, quick text to locate him then spotted his note, he'd even set my phone alarm for me ready to collect Munchie. However, daddy got her as he was out and about.

Sorted Wom's first two nursery sessions ready for next week. Feels wrong.

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