That Man

The day started well.

I had a plan of how to tackle my To Do list. When I opened up the inbox (that's always the classic first mistake), I found an urgent bit of business that needed multi-party agreement on something unheard of by 3 pm. Of course. What a sensible way to do business.

That took up a goodly amount of time and effort but, indeed, multi-party agreement was reached by 3 pm. We keep meeting and exceeding expectations (the classic second mistake). No wonder people keep asking.

I then went out for some fresh air and found this fellow, soaking up the sun's rays. It struck me as a rather civilised way to work.

This evening the Moon is nearly full but is being overshadowed by the mayhem that's being conducted on the beach. It's like the Wicker Man out there. Beware!

This song is particularly good for twirling.

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