Inside an old steam locomotive

This locomotive was part of the collection of vehicles they have at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow.

I had a great day today. As part of our job, sometimes we get to go and visit other tourist attractions to see what they do and learn from them. One of my working colleagues and I were chosen for this trip to three of the main tourist attractions in Glasgow.

We visited first of all Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, which I thought was an amazing place. In there we had a lovely and knowledgeable tour guide telling us lots of interesting stories. After that we went to the Riverside Museum, a great place to visit if you are into old vehicles! Both visits were followed by a Q & A session.

The last place we visited was Tennents Brewery, where we did a tour of the place and had a wee taste of their products.

It was an interesting and fun day and the weather was lovely as well. Not bad at all! :)

Back to normal tomorrow...

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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